Process and Technology Optimisation
The delivery of efficiencies and innovation through technology is often a second phase of any successful project and follows the review and streamlining of existing business processes. If the business processes are not optimised then the technology delivered on top of them will always be constrained.
OpteCTO work with you to identify the bottlenecks that are constraining the business and strive to automate processes where unnecessary manual tasks are being performed. This not only provides efficiencies but enables a more modern and mobile working environment.
Selecting the right technology for your business is essential to enabling your business to modernise and OpteCTO bring a procurement specialist skillset that ensures that the tender process results in a product selection that best fits your needs. We understand the battle between market leaders and innovators which enables us to select products that will grow with your business.
As a cloud deployment specialist OpteCTO understand the security controls that are essential to any SaaS implementation and the business processes that are mandatory to enforce these controls. We ensure the product is implemented with a least access principle to protect your business and your users from actions that may result in a breach.