About Us

OpteCTO work as an extension of your business

Who we are?

OpteCTO founder Mike Cunningham spent over 20 years as a driving force in IT across the Construction, Real Estate and Technology Innovation sectors. In this time he has guided numerous organisations through the evolution of technology for business and the more recent drive to a ‘Cloud First Approach’. He understands the challenges that this can bring but also the increased opportunities that are available to improve business efficiency, embrace innovation and transform business culture whilst remaining secure.

After researching how technology was being managed in the SME space, it became very clear that nearly all businesses were facing the same challenges with either their technology products or the IT services teams supporting them. These issues included

  • Ever increasing IT costs without a corresponding increase in the value being delivered
  • Underperforming IT support without clear SLA’s on business impacting issues
  • Gaps in what is and isn’t supported by the IT service team creating ownership issues during critical events
  • Unable to get the most of the existing IT products
  • Service providers not understanding the business well enough to Identify the right products to grow with your business
  • No clear guidance on Cyber Security, where the business risks exist and how they can be managed
  • Business still tied to manual tasks that are effecting efficiencies and preventing more modern working practices
  • Management are spending an Increasing amount of time discussing IT rather than focusing on running the business

Mike identified an opportunity to transform the face of technology management for SME’s by providing a CTO as a Service (CTOaaS) offering that incorporates the management of IT performance, cyber security, digital transformation and modern working as an extension of Your Business with Your Voice.
Working Together to empower your business to own the IT conversation and grow by maximising the value of the right technology aligned to your wider goals’.